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Next-Level Business Breakthrough!


What you offer is the shit! Your work is transformative, so it's time to get your work into the hands of people who  need it!

If it's not (or not at the level you'd like), here's your chance to have me look at your business & tell you exactly what you can do right now to call in your soulmate clients and increase your sales this month. 



Are you having trouble making sales on your 1:1 Coaching, course, or program? 

Do you know that your work is transformative, but it's not getting into the hands of people who need it?

Feeling frustrated & confused as to why you're struggling in building community, connection, and attracting aligned humans into your space that ALSO become clients? 

Maybe it feels like something is missing in your business...


You're doing all the marketing strategies you were told would work (and you may even see working for others), sharing value, showing up consistently posting content, doing everything you know to do, but still...nada...or not close to what you know is possible...or attracting unaligned clients that drain you?

Let's just be real - if you're doing all the things, believing in yourself (in fact, you're probably resilient af) - and are not calling in clients and sales at the level you know you're capable of - and should 100% be having - then let's change that!

Here's the good news...

You can have a BREAKTHROUGH in your business fast!

And I'm here to help you have that because seeing exactly what you can shift & refine that will create big results in your business, is what I do best!

If you want someone who's made well over a million dollars online, and has 10+ years of experience helping women (who are here to make impact helping others transform their lives) build online businesses, to show you blindspots you are not seeing, so that you can begin to, not only, make more sales faster....but have them come from soul aligned clients, then this is for you!


Once you sign up for your Next-Level Business Breakthrough, here's what will happen:

1. You'll be sent a form to complete to help me get a full picture of what you want help with.

2. Once I receive your information and go over it, I will record a video of me going over everything you need. I will be sharing my screen as I look over all you share with me (website, socials, offers...whatever you have), and I will be providing any feedback that is necessary in order for you to have your Business Breakthrough, as I do***

3. I'll use my 10+ years of business experience to give you guidance on exactly what you can shift + do now that will lead to attracting aligned clients and make more sales (ex. your messaging/visibility, content, sales pages/website, anything you currently have in place). I will let you know what to focus on (to save a you a ton of time, money, and energy) as you continue to grow, and anything else that comes through for me to share with you as I do this.


I'll also be using my intuition as I go through to give you even greater guidance as I tap into what I see + feel is best for YOU - and what could be limiting you (it's pretty cool to see what comes through).

4. Your custom - tailored to you - video will be sent to you within 3 business days of receiving your completed form. 

***I understand that this can feel vulnerable & a bit scary, but I want your to know that I'm simply here to help (and I've also felt that + asked for help when it was very scary, and it has helped me tremendously - in bis & life). No judgement from me. Just straight up love and really wanting you to experience how your business gets to be! I got you! xo, Tatiana


Think of this as taking your business to a Holistic Doctor.


This is your chance to have my eyes - and heart - on your business to see what needs a shift in order for you to, not only, make more sales, but have sales from dream clients!

I will use my unique method to go through your business and show you what to have in place, that when you do (and most do not, which is why I do what I do), it's like you've opened a floodgate to aligned clients and sales.

When I work with clients, this is something I do, and when they act on what I share with them, I've had:

  • a client go from 0-7 clients in 2 months.

  • a client struggling to have people pay her for her services to making $10k in a few days, and in only a few weeks of working together.

  • clients sell out programs, 1:1 services, retreats, and more.

Price: $55


You're done trying to figure out "What the f*ck you have to do to get more clients & sales" on your own, and are ready for an expert set of eyes that you can trust, to show you your blindspots, so you can begin making the sales you are capable of, and a bazillion %, should be making...

Because there are so many people out there who need your magic! It's time to get your transformational work into their hands!

If you have any other questions, send me an email to or send me a DM on FACEBOOK OR INSTAGRAM.

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